Saturday, November 5, 2011


I love music. I know, almost everyone loves music, but I really just don't give it enough credit. It's been that one constant since I was in 6th grade. I've been obsessed with it in some way since I first played with Garageband's virtual keyboard when I was 12 years old. Even if my interests have expanded, they've never moved from music.

Strangely enough, before that, I knew almost nothing about music. The only songs I knew were Twinkle Twiknle Little Star and Toxic by Britney Spears (Don't judge. I was 9. I hadn't recovered from the 90s). Since then, I've been forever doomed to head down a musical path. I've gone through an entire rock band of instrumental obsession; practicing whichever instrument whenever I got the chance. I've been through every form of snobbery I can imagine (with more to come). I could talk on forever about every sort of phase I've been through.

Also strange, music has had very little effect on my life outside of music. Most of that has to do with the fact that not many people actually want to talk about music. I need to organize these posts better. I'm starting to realize that it was a bad idea to write with a prompt as broad as 'music.' Let's try this again.

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