Sunday, September 18, 2011

Maura (or as I say, "Moy-ruh")

Okay, I rarely write blogs that explicitly mention people in my life. However, I have an exception for this blog post.


Maura is one of those friends who can always make me feel better. It's actually quite impressive. I can't stay upset even if I try to stay in a bad mood. And she never seems to get bored of listening to me complain. It's as if she enjoys it. It's fairly rare to find a friend like Maura, but I must say, friends like her are very important; a friend who balances your traits perfectly; a friend who is always there when you need them; a friend who actually reads your blog.

So. How did I meet such a great friend? Well, to be honest, we weren't exactly friends from the moment we met. We had mutual friends, and our main interaction was talking about a music distributor that she wanted me to join. I'd say that we started to become friends after Urinetown, a play in which I was a chorus member, and she was backstage manager. At the very end of the show, on closing night, I felt like I hadn't gained anything from Urinetown. I had never felt like a part of the ensemble in the show, I felt like I had gained no friends, even lost friends. But at some point later, though, I received a text from Maura saying, "You better hang out even though Urinetown is over." This is where the constant event of Maura making me brighten begins. With her reminding me of the friends I had made.
Yet, we still didn't hang out much after that. It wasn't until Flowers for Algernon was over that we became really close friends. Over the course of the rehearsals, we found that we share a sort of common past and mindset. I found Maura to be quite an enigma almost simultaneously with the enigma being broken. We continued to exchange emotions even after the production was over. Oh. And I forgot to mention. She saved me from a knife attack many times throughout the production ;).

Since then we've continued to become better friends day-by-day, and I could honestly go on forever about all the reasons Maura is such a great friend, but I can barely scratch the surface without getting carpel tunnel. A supportive friend doesn't even start to describe Maura, she's gone very far out of her way to pick me up when I'm feeling down. In a recent example, when I told her I'd been having a rough week, she went and bought me a book to get my mind off things and help me think. Needless to say, it worked, and I still use the book for that purpose. It was book of weapons, because she noticed my fascination with weapons. There was also a little note in it that I might find the time to post a picture of.

But Maura isn't just a "yes-friend." She knows when to say stop or think about this, and in a way that doesn't lead to resentment. Although, I rarely admit it, I generally take Maura's advice. I hold her opinion's highly. Why is that? Because Maura is smart. Very smart. I don't think she recognizes this quite as much as she should. I don't think I recognized it very well at first, and that's not to say that she doesn't come across as smart. It was probably my cockiness blinding me, but I've come to realize that Maura's actually quite the genius; much more so than me. To add to this, she is quite the writer, and her blog is much more impressive than mine.

I really do want to say more, and I probably will, but I think it's about time I unblock my blog for this surprise. I'll end by saying this: Even as time progresses and things change, I hope to god that me and Maura remain life-long friends, because I may never get another friend like her. :)

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