Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The History of Man

The History of Man

In the Beginning,
As some may say,
Man was content to spend his days
Inside, within the walls of his home.
Man was without a desire to learn of the outside,
Until he invented the window.

And saw the world outside.
For the first time,
Man ventured outside his home.
And called his home to follow.

And through his curiosity,
Man began to walk.
He traveled in many different paths.
And it was many years before his paths crossed.

And when they did,
Man saw his own reflection.
He had walked for so long
That he could not recognize his own shadow.

And in his fear,
Man and his reflection began to fight.
It was in his nature to do so.
But it was inevitable that he and his shadow would shake hands.

And from that reflection,
Man was given company
with whom he could share his stories of travels.
And hear travels he had not remembered.

And from these stories.
Man found that his world was filled with horrors.
He looked around to find
That night had come, and darkness had fallen.

And for the first time,
Man heard sounds,
And saw shadows,
Of those which could not be explained.

And from these new shadows,
Man found a new fear of the unknown.
So he returned to where he had come from in the Beginning.
Back to the safety within the walls of his home.

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