Friday, June 22, 2012

Stuff about Eryn

1. So when we skype, she does this thing where whenever I get close to the camera, she'll start saying "I like big butts and I cannot lie..."
And so today, we didn't have video on, and I got close to the camera, and she started saying. "I like big butts and I cannot lie..."
... HOW DID SHE DO THAT?! She couldn't even see me!

2. Her zombie plan involves mooching... Watch out.

3. She has a powder addiction...
...To pixie sticks.
Like give her five minutes and a pixie stick and it will be gone.
She snorts lines of pixie stick.
If you want her to go somewhere, leave a trail of pixie stuck dust and she will follow.

4. She has an incredible voice. Like my goodness, not a sour note comes out of there. Like she can do a billion different voices, it's terrifying.

5. Her social security number is 5...
And nothing else

6. She is such a jerk on draw something. She spends hours making these amazing drawings that make anything I do look like stick figures.

7. Her house is covered with the wings of mystical flying creatures that she has killed.

And that is absolutely all there is to know about Eryn...

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