Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Spain - Last Week of School

During the last week of school, not many people actually went to school. I went for the first two days of the week only. On tuesday, they fire department came to the school to give a presentation, which they appearently do every year. After the presentation, they filled the basketball court with foam, and the entire school had a foam fight. It was pretty awesome. If only I had my camera at the time.

On Wednesday, I didn't go to school, and a group of friends and I went to the beach... again. Afterwards, we all went to a swimming pool. Nothing eventful happened that I can remember other than a Simpsons board game.

The next day was San Juan, a festival which celebrates the beginning of summer vacation, and forgetting all the hardships during the year. Recently liberated students, all set up bonfires and burn all their school work over the year. Unfortunately for me, most of my work is on the computer. There's also, swimming, drinking, and other mildly reckless behavior. Still didn't quite compare with Atlanta. I went bike riding with three other people in the morning, and found that I absolutely suck at bike riding. In the afternoon, I got dragged into collecting firewood for the bonfire. San Juan was alright, but not what people had made it out to seem. I enjoyed it, though, and hopefully I'll have goodluck for swimming in the water as the tradition goes.

The next day, everyone went to there last day of school to pick up their grades. Most of them suck at math. Shame. Several people were going to new schools the next year, and took their time to say goodbye. I followed them around the school as they said their goodbyes. At the chapel, I noticed that one person was crying. I could only imagine how it must feel. Leaving a place that you had routinely cime to for years and years, and then getting just a few minutes to say goodbye to it all. There must be so many memories in the school. I choked up thinking about it, but did my best to comfort my friend. After we left, it was time to go to the basketball championship that I had been dreading.

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