Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My desk


It's funny. I do so much searching for a picture that describes me perfectly, and then I accidentally take a photo of my desk, and complete my search. It's actually quite amazing. I'm in front of this thing so much and I never bother to clean it. Thus, it has accumulated into everything I have done in the past six weeks. From left to right:
United Nations Resolution 61/10, Old Spice Spray Deodorant, A flashlight, A prop medicine bottle from a movie I was making, A picture from a photo booth for a date I went on two years ago, Paint, A phone prop from a movie I made, Guitar Tuners and tuners, DVDs and Kissology Volumes, Compass and Boy Scout Stuff, Five Dollars, Cap Gun Caps, A physics book that I took before winter break but still haven't returned to my physics teacher, Microphone, Sunglasses, Meds, Blank CDs, A letter from a friend, The script to "Flowers for Algernon" (Charlie), More CDs, My Set Design to "Noises Off," Congo & European Imperialism Study Guide, Condensor Mics, iTunes Gift Card, Air Soft Gun, Electric Shaver, Computer, Lamp.

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